Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Fun

July 11, 2009: We just went to the deMik family reunion up Provo Canyon yesterday. There were about 112 family members there, and we knew about 1/10th of them. It was fun to meet others. Greg deMik, Mikes first cousin and his wife Diane organized it all. The Park was beautiful. The weather went from hot and sunny to rainy and back to hot and sunny. We had a great time. Bryan and Heather a the family came. Chris and Amber were camping with her parents so they were't able to make it. Here are some pictures of us at the reunion.

This is a family tree Greg made and then they took a picture of each of us, printed them up, cut them and we each took our own picture and glued it to the tree. It was a great idea.

Every Tuesday and Friday nights we have 'Concert in the Park'. The other night we went and met 2 of our senior couple friends there and had a great time at the concert. It was put on by the air force band and was a tribute to America. We had a great time. Here we are with our friends (l-r) the Griffeths, Us and the Lyons.

Once a month Legacy puts on a music concert where Nana's best friend, Edith plays the piano, the Kazoo Bank plays and we all sing along. Here are some pictures. The first one is Edith on the piano. You should see her fingers fly. She is 88 years old but is very young at heart.

Here is Nana playing the kazoo and then the next picture is the kazoo bank which is made up of residence of Legacy where Nana lives. We had a great time with them that evening.


Wisdomist said...

Great update Mom. We love you and can't wait to see you. Ron

Gina said...

It looks like you are having so much. I love the picture of Nana playing the kazoo!