Monday, June 30, 2008

Better Late Than Never.....

Hello Everyone!!!
I've been meaning to create my blog for some time now. In fact, I even had Brynn help me create a site before we left on our mission but have never done anything with it. I don't even remember the name I gave it (but I admit I do have trouble remembering most things these days!) so I decided to start over from square one. Doing this all by myself may turn out to be quite a challenge so be paitent with me. (a little note here would be appropriate - I had to call Rachel while I was in the middle of creating this first blog and spent about 1/2 hour on the phone with her so she could help me figure out what in the world I was doing....thanks Rachel!!)
We arrived on our SLC Temple Square Mission in March. The Temple Square sites are amazing and the grounds are beautiful. It's like being in a small part of heaven. The flowers hardly have a chance to get through their growth cycle before they are dug up and replaced with fresh, new, blossoming flowers of another variety. Here are pictures showing you what I mean. Better yet...come see for yourself!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great job Mom, it looks awesome, the kids were excited to see the pictures. This is a great way to keep us up to date with you and your many new adventures!!