Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Mission Begins.....

Now that I have successfully completed my initial blog I will try to 'stretch' my talents and add a few posts to this blog. I really feel like I should start back at the beginning of our mission. We were called to serve in the Salt Lake City Utah Temple Square Mission. We entered the MTC on March 17, 2008. Two of our very close friends, Owen and Joyce Bae, were entering the MTC the same day we were so they invited us to stay at their home in Orem and go together, which we did. We had a wonderful time at the MTC, learned many things about going on a mission, and enjoyed the spirit of the Lord which prevails there. We watched as approximately 2000 young missionaries came and went during out 10 day stay. My nephew, Brian Fisher, even entered the MTC while we were there. What a fun surprise to greet him in the front foyer. Here are a few pictures of our time in the MTC. The first one is the morning we went in, next us pointing to our mission assignment on the map. The next is Joyce and Owen, our good friends. The last two pictures are of our MTC teachers and our MTC Senior Couples Class group. I hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

chats said...

I'm so glad you got this figured out. It's such an easy way to keep everyone posted. At the end of your mission, we can upload it and turn it into a book!