Monday, September 8, 2008

Cove Fort Utah Trip

We took a trip to Cove Fort to visit our good friends Joyce and Owen Bae who are on their mission there. Their mission is a 6 month mission so they entered the MTC on March 17th the same day we did and they will complete their mission on September 15th. We have heard a lot about Cove Fort so we decided we'd give it a try. It was a wonderful trip and the Fort was wonderful. I don't know that I would have wanted to live there without any neighbors but the Hinckleys seemed to enjoy it.

Joyce and Owen took us on a 'special tour' which was more indepth than the usual tours and we learned a lot about the Fort. The Hinckleys lived there for many years and raised their family there during that time. It was a waystation for travelers and they had wagons stop by for the night on a daily basis. Sister Hinckley would prepare food for everyone who came to stay overnight. So, on a daily basis she baked bread and prepared meals for many extra guests besides her own family. I don't know how she managed to wash clothes, linens, etc. make clothes, clean the fort, educate her children along with all of the rest. She was one remarkable woman. As you can see the fort is in great shape for being so old.
They had a great relationship with the indians and never once did they have to use the fort as a safe haven against attack. As you can see in one of the pictures, Joyce is looking through one of the gun holes that was built into the fort in case that was needed. We even climbed up onto one of the covered wagons used in those days. Not my idea of comfortable traveling conditions but I'll bet it was better than pulling a handcart. The air conditioning and non-reclining seat leaves a bit to be desired but it gets great mpg.We even learned how to play some of the games they played in those days. It would be a great way to loose a few of the extra pounds I've gained here. Fortunately Mike has bought me a treadmill for my birthday so I can use that instead. I try to walk 2.5 - 3 miles. If the weather is not too hot we do it outside together, if it's too hot and when it gets too cold I will use the treadmill.

If you ever get a chance be sure to stop by Cove Fort and take the tour. It's right off of I-15 going south from Salt Lake City toward the Grand Canyon. Just watch for the signs past Filmore and you can't miss it. It's definitely worth the trip.


Heather said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! I always saw that hoop game on Pollyanna and thought it would be fun to do! I think it's great that you have had the Bae's as friends for so long!

Aaron and Michelle said...

So happy to find your blog and to see that you are serving a mission! We hope you don't mind us looking at it from time to time.