Friday, November 28, 2008

It's Christmas Time on Temple Square SLC 2008

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"!! That can definitely be said of Temple Square. Since September they have been putting up Christmas lights on the trees and bushes around the square. I have NEVER seen so many lights on a single tree in my life. They take days just doing one tree sometimes. This past week they have been putting up the outside decorations in preparation for the Christmas season. There are many nativity scenes representing many of the cultures around the world. There are also many of the 'customary' nativity scenes also. Tonight (November 28, 2008) the official lighting of Temple Square takes place at 5:30pm.

This will be our first and only Christmas on Temple Square for our mission but we've been told the numbers of people who come to see the decorations and lights are unbelievable. In years past there are so many people that it is standing room only and it takes forever to get from one side of the square to the other. We'll see if that's true or not and let you know!

We wanted to share some of the beautiful decorations that are here so we took many pictures the other day. Of course we didn't get everything but we tried to get a lot of them. The lifesize nativity inbetween the tabernacle and the north visitors center is amazing. The characters look like real people. There are narations continuously and beginning tomorrow there are choirs, musical groups etc. every day from 12:00 noon on in a lot of the venues. We are really excited about it. Any of you that want to come and see them we have an extra bedroom available. First come, first served!!! Enjoy the pictures:


Terry said...

What a great time to be there. We went to see the lights when I lived in Prove a verrrrrrrrrrry long time ago. I'd sure like to do it again some time. Thanks for sharing!

Lifeisapitch said...

Hi Chatfields!!!! You look GREAT!

I read some of your blog. It was fun to hear a little about your mission.

Take care!
Diane Guymon

Heather said...

I really did enjoy the "natives" from the sidewalk! HE HE HEEE