Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another great week in Park City, Utah

We were assigned to work up in Park City at the Family Tree Center again this month. We were looking forward to working there again but had no idea it would be this soon. There are about 29 senior couples working on Temple Square and so we thought it would be at least 29 weeks before we'd have another opportunity but here we are. It's SO FUN up there. The weather was perfect and because we were there during a mission 'transfer' week we were able to work with 2 sets of sister missionaries. The first one who had been up there for 6 weeks already were Sister Amador from Mexico (on the left) and Sister Costello from California (on the right). We had 2 great days with them.Wednesday arrived and along with it 'transfer day' so Sisters Costello and Amador went back to Temple Square and Sister Sanders from California (on the left) and Sister Almazabas from Peru (on the right) came up for the next 6 weeks. We had not really had a chance to get to know either one of them yet so this worked about perfectly. We had 4 great days to get to know them personally and they are both so wonderful. They both have great personalities and are so fun to be around.
While we were up in Park City Diane and Wally Sonntag came up and spent half a day with us. We went to lunch together and caught up on everything that was happening in their lives. They have put in their mission papers and we're all just waiting to hear where there call is to. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it will be to Temple Square.
The week before we went to Park City we found out that Sharee Udy Petersen and her family were coming up there to spend the week at their time share (which just so happened to be about 2 blocks away from the Family Tree Center). We spent several of our mornings off with them. For those who don't know, Sister Udy was a missionary in our ward in Chico about 18 years ago. She and her companion Sister Rushton were fabulous missionaries and it was like they were part of our family. We've stayed in touch with her and her family ever since. She lives in Rocklin, Idaho. One morning we drove to Scarecrow Lane where they have a whole road that has all types of scarecrows along it.
To top it all off Sister Holly Rushton and her husband Jeremy and youngest child came up one morning and spent it with us. What a reunion we had. Lots of talking, laughing and food!! Can't forget the food. The Udy's raise black angus beef so you've never seen so much meat - bacon, sausage, steaks and IDAHO POTATOES the size of footballs!!!!
We had a great time and loved the weather which was perfect all week (in the 70's every day). We also enjoyed the fall colors all around us. What a perfect way to spend a week - helping guests find their ancestors and spending time with good friends. The Lord is so good to us!!


West Family said...

hi chatfields! i enjoyed reading your blog and seeing pictures of your family - cute blog! valerie west

Heather said...

Love the pictures!