Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Visit with President Uchtdorf

Our mission president, President Holmes will be released as one of the Seventies this coming General Conference. In that calling he has become good friends with most of the General Authorities. He found out that President Uchtdorf was coming to Temple Square to help in the making of a new church film so we called him and asked if he would come early and speak to all of us. He kept is a secret until the very day. It was really exciting. Mike and I sat at the front of the theater because Mike is in the mission presidency and when President Uchtdorf and his wife entered they came directly over to us. I was on the end and so they said hi and shook my hand first. I hadn't even thought about that happening so it took me a little by surprise. His wife is very kind and fun and President Uchtdorf looked us straight in the eye when he shook our hands. He has beautiful bright blue eyes just like in his pictures. His wife spoke first and then he did. It was a great experience and the sister missionaries loved it. After they were through they shook every one of the missionaries hands and took pictures with them. They took one with the senior missionaries who were there. Some of us got on our knees in the front so that we could get everyone in the picture. It was so fun! Those in the picture from front to back and left to right are: President and Sister Chatfield, Elder and Sister Bingham, Elder and Sister Scott, Sister Griffeth, Sister Parent, Sister Sonntag(from Paradise, CA) Sister Uchtdorf, President Uchtdorf, Elder Piippo, Sister Piippo, Sister Strickland, Sister Johnson, back row: Elder Ahlstrom, Elder Griffeth, Elder Parent, Elder Sonntag, Elder Strickland, Sister Rock and Elder Rock.

Here is a picture of our mission president and his wife with President and Sister Uchtdorf. Our mission president is Michael H. Holmes and his wife is Marian. They are the parents of 12 children: 6 boys and 6 girls.

Here is a picture of the past mission president and his counselors etc. His name is D. Michael Stewart. The men in the back are: Left to right: President Palfreyman, President Chatfield, President Strickland and Elder Piippo. President Palfreyman is the counselor Mike took over for, President Strickland is the 1st Counselor and Elder Piippo is the financial officer for the mission.

Here is a picture of the mission presidency and their wifes and also the AP's who are on the right of the picture. Their names are Sister Oslund from California and Sister Trusty from Maryland. President and Sister Stewart are in the chairs in the front in case you didn't already figure that out!!! ha ha Our new mission president and his wife took over on January 17, 2009. Temple Square mission presidents serve for 2 years unlike most missions which are 3 year missions.


Unknown said...

Sister Chatfield, so good to have found your blog! I enjoyed getting updated on you and your wonderful husband! What an amazing time in both of your lives! How neat to see and listen to Pres. Uchtdorf!! I will check back and see what you two have been up to for sure! You still look beautiful and amazing as always!
-Mia Cavaness

Unknown said...

My name is Mike McCain. I was a young man when President Holmes served in Missouri. I was interviewed by him when I served my mission. I want to shoot him an email, and just touch base with him about something. If you would be so kind to send me an, that would be awesome. His comments in the interview left an everlasting impression on me, and I want him to know it. It has made for great story telling.