Monday, March 23, 2009

The Sights in Utah are wonderful!

There are so many fun things to do in Utah and many sights to see. One of those is the rock quarry where the saints came and cut the granite for the Salt Lake Temple. We took quite a few of the sister missionaries up there. It is up in the canyon. We had a gentleman come who is an expert on this quarry and he told us so many interesting stories of how they cut the granite and carried it down to the valley on carts pulled by oxen. It took many days to get each cart load out of the canyon and down to the site of the temple. It's no wonder it took 40 years to build. After listening to the history of the quarry we all walked around the area. I found a rock that I wanted to bring home but it was too big. It actually had the mark on it where they drove the nails to break it apart.

There are many huge boulders where the marks of the nails are still visible. Mike is pointing one of them out. No, this is not the rock I wanted to bring home with me. It was actually about the size of a basketball but it was partially in the ground and we couldn't get it out.

THIS IS THE ROCK I brought home with me!!! That's not too big is it? We had such a great time at the quarry. I made us appreciate the temple even more than we already do to hear stories of the sacrifices the saints made to build it and to bring the qranite down to do it.
Here is the monument marker for the quarry. It at the mouth of the quarry and you walk down a trail to get to the actual quarry. It was a cold day but we had a great time.
Here is one of the underground tunnels we use to walk home if the weather is not good. We usually go down underground just outside the South Visitors Center and walk over to this tunnel that goes under State Street to get us to the other side. It saves us a lot of outdoor walking when it's snowing or raining or extra windy. We come up out of the tunnell in the parking structure of Eagle Gate apartments and walk across the street to our apartment. It makes it very convenient at times.

THIS IS THE PLACE!! We decided to go and visit this site. We had been there many years ago and wanted to be reminded of what it was like. I don't remember it much so it was a good trip to take. It is only about 15-20 minutes away from where we live. It was a fun trip and the weather was great.
I love this monument titled "Journeys End". After crossing the country with a wagon or handcart I think I'd be very thankful to be at the end of the journey too. This is a beautiful depection of a family reaching the end of their journey.

I found this extremely handsome man up at the monument so I decided to take a picture of him so I could keep it with me always!! He only gets better looking with age don't you think!! We had a great day together and a trip that reminded us of the sacrifices that were made to find a place where people could worship as they choose without fear of torture, rape or even death. Its a beautiful place to go to look over the valley too.

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