Thursday, July 24, 2008

Babies are a blessing

We had two new granddaughters born since we came on our mission. Amber and Chris were blessed with Shelby Elizabeth and Heather and Bryan were blessed with Alexis Bryann (pronounced like Breann). I was able to be there when they made their first appearance in the world. What a miracle!!! Thank you my sweet daughter and daughter-in-law for inviting me to participate in the 'miracle of miracles'.......birth. Both of these new babies were blessed on the same day in the same ward (Heather's) and all of our children came out to Utah for the blessings. It was the first time our family has been all together for years. It was wonderful. We spent 2 days together as a family and had a ball. We ate, laughed, ate, joked, ate, held babies, ate and ate some more. Ron and Brynn took some wonderful family pictures and I will post a few of them next time after I get them. Aaron's family and Jeremy's family spent the following Monday with us touring temple square, Welfare Square, Humanitarian Center, the observation deck of the church office building and much more. The following Monday Ron's family spent the day with us and we did a lot of the same things. Summer, Tyler and Josh spent Sunday night with us while Ron and Rachel took a break and spent the night at the Holiday Inn (which Amber helped them get!) I was sad to see them go home but I am thankful for the time we had together. My children and grandchildren are the light of my life for sure.

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