Thursday, July 24, 2008

Now this is living!

I thought you might enjoy seeing our 'missionary apartment'. It's a very large apartment. In fact, it's the whole top floor of a two story building. The building was built in 1940. That may answer the question as to why it does not have a dishwasher (except Mike) or cupboard doors that actually stay shut (although the warped look does add character to the kitchen) or why the floor is multi-leveled in places and why it's hard to put pictures up because of the concrete walls. Other than that we love it!!! It's very large and clean. The furnishings leave a little to be desired but they do give us something to talk about. If it hadn't been for the generousity of Mikes mom and our son Chris we would have almost no furniture at all. The dishes were definitely a "no go". There was no way I would ever drink out of the multi-variety of cups/glasses or use the silverware that was left behind. After a few trips to WalMart we were set to go and have been very happy in our 'home away from home'. We have even had guests stay with us. Come and try out our 'dormitory'. It had 4 beds and 2 dressers in the room. The only problem we've encountered is that we have something I'd never heard of before: a Jack and Jill bathroom. It's one bathroom for the whole apartment that has a door on each end that opens into each of the 2 bedrooms. With just Mike and I living here it's fine. When someone else joins us we need to make sure we don't accidentally walk in on them. So far, so good! Anyway, enjoy the pictures of our missionary apartment. Oh, one more thing, it used to be the home of 6 sister missionaries so we also have the plus of having 2 refrigerators in our kitchen. We've never run out of space in the refrigerators yet!

1 comment:

Terry/TT/GeeA said...

What a great place! Nice to see the pic and that you are blogging more! Terry