Sunday, October 19, 2008

You're How Old?????????

Jeremy had his birthday on the 28th of August. He is always so thoughtful and he sends ME a gift on his birthday. This year was no different. I was sitting at home and received a call saying I had a delivery coming to me. I tried to remember what I had ordered and couldn't think of a thing. The next thing I knew I was holding the most beautiful and EDIBLE arrangement you've ever seen. If was from Jeremy and the card read: "It was a boy! Thanks Mom, I love you. Jeremy". The flood gates opened when I realized what was happening. Thank Jeremy, bringing you into the world was a real blessing to your dad and I!!!
Did someone say birthdays????? Both Mike and I celebrated our birthdays in September. Mike on the 17th and mine on the 27th. It was fun. Mike missed being able to see our children but the sister missionaries made up for it. Everywhere we went on the square we heard: "Elder Chatfield.....Happy Birthday!!" He found candy and cards in our mailbox and he loved every minute of it. Our wonderful children all called and wished him a happy birthday which was the frosting on the cake for him. He also heard from both his and my siblings which was wonderful. Being 64 aint so bad!!!! About 9 days after Mikes birthday I began receiving 'large' amounts of mail in our mailbox. We're lucky if we get 3 pieces of mail a week (and that's usually junk mail) so this was very unusual!!! The first day I must have received 20 birthday cards from my children and grandchildren. Then the next day I received MORE club friends, ward friends, old friends, new name it and I heard from them. What was happening??? How did so many people know it was my birthday??????? Well, to my surprise each day for about the next 4 days I received numerous cards in the mail. Our dresser top couldn't even begin to display them all so I changed locations and put them on the table.
Well you guessed it and so did I (finally). My sweet, wonderful daughter decided that she needed to make my big 60 birthday special so she had contacted all my friends and relatives and wanted to make sure that I received at least 60 birthday cards on my 60th birthday. Let me tell worked!!! I received more than 60 cards.

Thank you ALL for making my 60th birthday a day to remember!!!! It's hard to see all of them because even the table couldn't hold them all. Trust me though---they're there somewhere on the table!!! I LOVE IT!!!

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